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Balance Update: October





Greetings Mortals, it's time for yet another month of balance! We have mentioned previously that we do have a few balance updates coming your way and this is it!

With this patch, the focus was to help keep the game in a healthy competitive meta for the future while we move the team’s focus on to new exciting things.


  • Ash Reader - Stats changed, mana cost decreased
  • Change stats from 7/6 to 5/4
  • Change mana cost from 7 to 5
  • Bone Roller - Text changed
  • Change text from “Roar: Tempt fate and apply the result to each friendly creature.” to ”Blitz. Roar: Tempt fate and apply the result to each friendly creature.” 


  • Flame of the Second Shattering - Text Changed
  • Change text from: ”Deal 4 damage. If you have 9 mana unlocked deal 8 instead.” to ”Deal 4 damage. If you have 9 mana unlocked deal 7 instead.”
  • Recovering Sigil - Text changed
  • Change text from: ”Heal 3 to each friendly character. Draw a card.” to ”Heal 2 to each friendly character. Draw a card.” 
  • Moramag, Bane of Black Isle - Text changed
  • Change text from ”Roar: If you have 8 cards or more in hand, deal 8 damage to each enemy character.” to ”Roar: If you have 8 cards or more in hand, deal 8 damage to each enemy creature.”


  • Cunning Challenger - Card changed
  • Change stats from 6/7 to 4/4
  • Change mana cost from 6 to 4
  • Change text from: ”Empower 1: Tempt fate.” to “Tempt fate.At the start of your turn, tempt fate.”
  • White Fur Guard - Card changed
  • Change stats from 7/6 to 5/4
  • Change mana cost from 6 to 4
  • Change text from: ”Empower 3: Give +7/+7 to this creature.” to ”Frontline. Empower 1: This creature gains protected.”
  • Salvaging Archive - Card Changed
  • Change text from: ”Regen 1. Roar: Deal 5 damage to this creature.” to ”Roar: Take 2 damage for each other creature on the board.” 
  • Dolvaz, Omen of Ill Will - Text-only change - Rules clarification
  • Change text from “At the start of your turn, double this creature’s strength and health. Afterlife: Pull this creature to your hand and set its strength and health to 1.”  to “At the start of your turn, double this creature’s strength and health. If this creature dies, instead pull this creature to your hand, set its strength and health to 1.”
  • Nythos, Mage-Weaver - Card Changed
  • Increase mana cost from 2 to 4
  • Increase stats from 1/2 to 3/3
  • Change text from “Ability: Unlock a mana lock for this turn, and refresh 1 mana.  Empower 2: Deal 2 damage to the weakest enemy creature.”  to ”Roar & Ability: Target an enemy creature. Transform it into a random creature that costs 1 less mana.” 


  • Untamed Regrowth: Now gives Confused to friendly creatures correctly when played while there are no enemy creatures.
  • Nythos, Mage-Weaver: No longer locks a mana lock at the end of the turn when all mana gems are unlocked.
  • Bardelys, Parthene Orator: Roar now buffs its health and strength values correctly.
  • Valka’s Discovery: Deals damage correctly after removing Protected when there are only creatures on the board with Protected.
  • Disconnected: Now correctly affects enemy creatures with Hidden.
  • Field Martyr: No longer counts itself as “other friendly creature”.
  • Nightleaf Hunter: No longer triggers effect when having an enemy creature on the board.
  • Enchanted Vines: Now adds a random Nature card into your hand while playing to an empty board.
  • Wizened Warlock: Now damages the opponent’s god at the end of turn.
  • Temnys of Thebia, Chronicler: Now includes Mortal Judgement and Light’s Verdict cards in its delve pool.
  • Orfeo, Champion of Deception: Now has a voice over when it is auto-played to the board.